The Book Eating Magician Wiki

Andras' 4th Sword, the "Super Heavy Sword".

Master of Rebecca. His aura master ability was to change weight, and his attacks are based around a massive great sword and his ability to change its weight.

He is one of the Swords sent to Meltor along with his disciple and the 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan.

He later fights Theo in a 1 on 1 duel and is killed by Theodore's Elemental Burst, and with his dying breath says he never actually set Rebecca's restraints to kill her, as she is a good disciple, and no longer can see Andras' future.[1]

"Pan Helliones’ breathing gradually ceased, and his heart stopped beating. Shortly afterward, Theodore recognized the moment when Pan Helliones’ soul escaped his body. The empire’s 4th Sword had died."[2] The manliest name ever

I know right???

  1. Chapter 228
  2. Chapter 228